Teen sex dog bestiality

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Neighbours say he was also in the habit of sending pictures of his penis, with lewd comments, to locals.

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The teenager, whose name has not been released, had previously been accused of raping an underage girl. It is believed that the footage was later deleted however screengrab images from the clip remain. Neighbours, from the town of Campo Gallo in the north central Argentina province of Santiago del Estero, reported him to police. It is claimed the teen took the dog to a nearby mountain, tied it to a tree with a length of wire and then had sex with it while filming the sick stunt on his smartphone. The animal has since been taken to be checked over by a vet, according to reports. Police are probing the alleged incident in which the 18-year-old male is said to have filmed the horrifying sex act and then shared it over the popular messaging app. A teenager tied a dog to a tree and had sex with it before sharing the sick footage on WhatsApp, it has been claimed.

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